Cargo Transport & Cargo Shipping
Cargo Transport & Cargo Shipping
Cargo International Transport with Tirolia.
“Cargo” comes from Spanish, was adopted into English and has long been Germanized. It means the same term content worldwide, namely freight or cargo. Originally, “cargo” primarily meant ship loads and transports, but the meaning has become generalized. Tirolia, the Speedition, is your competent and, above all, fast partner for all freight issues. Quick and committed processing and perfect advice as well as comprehensive insurance cover are guaranteed, as is an international, integrated organization.
International cargo transport for full and partial loads.
Whether for full loads, partial loads or groupage shipments - Tirolia has the perfect cargo solution for every requirement. Whilst full load transport refers to transports in which a single load uses an entire transport vehicle, we understand partial load transport to be the combination of several partial loads on one means of transport.
In contrast to full load transports, part load transports are somewhat more time-consuming and usually require a somewhat longer transport time. The difference between general cargo and groupage is that general cargo can be transported individually, while groupage means the combination of identical or different general cargo to one piece.
Cargo international transport for full and partial loads.
Whether for full loads, partial loads or groupage shipments - Tirolia has the perfect cargo solution for every requirement. Whilst full load transport refers to transports in which a single load uses an entire transport vehicle, we understand partial load transport to be the combination of several partial loads on one means of transport.
In contrast to full load transports, part load transports are somewhat more time-consuming and usually require a somewhat longer transport time. The difference between general cargo and groupage is that general cargo can be transported individually, while groupage means the combination of identical or different general cargo to one piece.
Cargo business and freight transport.
The complex system of a freight forwarder is sometimes a little reminiscent of the game "Monopoly" that we all know from childhood. It begins with a simple route that quickly develops into a complicated structure with an almost infinite number of systemic dependencies, in which you not only need a clear head, but above all a perfectly structured, functioning network of different players. Because the transport of goods or goods traffic should proceed as smoothly as possible, delivery dates must be adhered to and the risk of damaged or lost goods must be minimized.
Street cargo by truck.
When it comes to cargo transports, we are talking about the transport of all kinds of goods, i.e. goods, raw materials, etc. on the most varied of transport routes with different means of transport. In a landlocked country like Austria, the truck is still the most popular freight and goods transport variant, as it offers the greatest flexibility. In addition, there is rail transport and rail transport for European international cargo transport. In order to protect the environment and to keep the pollution as low as possible, combined transport variants have been developed around the truck, in which the truck is loaded onto the train, so to speak, "piggyback". This so-called “Piggy Back Service” is enjoying increasing popularity, as it combines cost and environmental protection.
Air cargo or air freight.
Cargo does not stop at the other elements of this world either and is available in the air as "Air Freight" or air freight, which is one of the most expensive types of freight and goods transport.
Cargo Shipping - transport of goods via cargo ship
Cargo Shipping - transport of goods via cargo ship
Not to be forgotten is the international cargo transport on water as "cargo shipping" via cargo ship, inland or coastal ship. This cheapest cargo variant, the transport of goods and goods traffic on the water, is available on a large scale on the waterways of the oceans and seas. With smaller cargo ships, freight traffic is also possible inland on large rivers. Maritime shipping distinguishes between two major areas, ocean shipping and coastal shipping. As you can already guess, coastal shipping is understood to mean goods traffic and the transport of people or goods close to the coast. This type of "cargo shipping" is characterized by ships with a relatively high capacity but shallow draft. This means that smaller seaports or inland ports can also be approached.
Larger and more stable ships are used for international cargo transport via ocean shipping, the best-known representatives of this "cargo shipping" variant are the tankers. A large amount of goods can be transported in this way and relocated relatively easily at the destination ports. The well-known container ships also transport huge amounts of goods from raw materials to commercial goods around the world and across all seas.
The great advantage of "Cargo Shipping" is the lower cost compared to other modes of transport. Ship transport is certainly a very slow mode of transport and is not suitable for long-distance transport for perishable goods, but it is a recommendable and safe means of transport for non-perishable and bulky goods and destinations that are difficult to reach by land.
Truck transport plus cargo shipping results in RoRo service
The RoRo service (roll on roll off) combines "cargo transport" from the road with "cargo shipping". Cars and trucks can be driven from the road onto modern transport ships, thus enabling gentle cargo handling and easier organization. Goods and goods do not have to be loaded separately here, but remain on your existing means of transport. This reduces loading damage and the risk of confusion. The disadvantages of the ro-ro service are the high acquisition costs of the transport ships for the special equipment with ramps, hatches and tractors on the ship.
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